A study of chromium supplementation (GTF Chromium) in the diet of pigs

GTF Chromium in the diet of pigs
A study of the graduate student in the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University in Thailand, a study of chromium (GTF Chromium) supplementation in the diet of fattening pigs and found that in terms of growth, feeding rate per day and feed efficiency did not differ statistically both in groups were supplemented with chromium and groups without supplements with chromium.
As a result of the fact that chromium acts as Glucose tolerance factor

GTF Chromium in the of pigs

But found in terms of quality carcass, in part of thickness of back fat tended to increase and the sectional area of tenderloin tended to increase in the group which has this supplementation. It was found that the amount of it at 200 ppb to make carcass looks great, especially the sectional area of tenderloin. As a result of the fact that chromium acts as Glucose tolerance factor that allows blood glucose level less. It was the result good to the use energy more efficiently.

The role of chromium (part of GTF Chromium) in the body part2

The chromium (part of GTF Chromium) has been classified as a mineral that acts as a component of biochemical substances
The chromium (part of the GTF Chromium) has been classified as a mineral that acts as a component of biochemical substances that called Glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which affect the performance of insulin in conditions that animals is under stress.
GTF Chromium) will improve the utilization of glucose, synthesis of glucose and the amino acids into cells.

The GTF Chromium will improve the utilization of glucose, synthesis of glucose and the amino acids into cells.

The GTF will improve the utilization of glucose, synthesis of glucose and the amino acids into cells. There are reports that Chromium is commonly found in many forms and different levels of use. Chromium in the form of inorganic, it is absorbed into the body a little and does not affect the growth or the elements in the blood of the body.
GTF Chromium is commonly found in many forms and different levels of use.

GTF Chromium is commonly found in many forms and different levels of use.

In part of organic chromium such as Chromium Picolinate (CrPic), Chromium Nicotinate (CrNic), Chromium Yeast (Cr – yeast) and Chromium L- Methionine (CrM), which chromium supplementation in the form mentioned above will make the body strong up.

The role of chromium (part of GTF Chromium) in the body part1

Chromium (part of GTF Chromium) causes oxidise of glucose through the process glycolysis and Kreb'cycle.
1. The body's blood sugar a balance, this mean the sugar in the blood is constant and reduces the risk of diabetes. Chromium (part of the GTF Chromium) in form of the chelate can be optimized to improve the function of insulin for the better. It puts the sugar in the cells of the body were used to be useful very good and efficient to energy metabolism. Insulin binding to cell receptor better, it makes insulin more efficient operation.
Chromium (part of GTF Chromium) is cofactors that accelerate the work of enzymes.

Chromium (part of the GTF Chromium) causes oxidise of glucose through the process glycolysis and Kreb'cycle.

2. It causes oxidise of glucose through the process glycolysis and Kreb'cycle to provide energy in ATP.

3. It allows the synthesis of protein and RNA in the body for the better. This is results in creating proteins of the body tissues (tissues protein) more robust.
It (part of GTF Chromium) can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the plasma

Chromium (part of the GTF Chromium) is cofactors that accelerate the work of enzymes.

4. It is cofactors that accelerate the work of enzymes involved in metabolic of carbohydrates and fats.

5. It (part of the GTF Chromium) can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the plasma

6. Increased disease resistance

Reaction of brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) to the other drug

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) and high blood pressure
If you use a type of medication as Antidepressants or Monoamin Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) to therapist already, you should not use yeast (The raw material used to make GTF Chromium) without taking care of a medical professional, because it contains large amounts of tyramine, which is substance should be avoided in people who use drug categories of antidepressant or MAOIs and types of MAOIs such as phenelzine, tranylcypromin, pargyline, selegiline, isocarboxazid.
Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) help to treatment diabetes.

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) and high blood pressure

This yeast are going to react to the drugs and causing a "high blood pressure" quickly. It will make your blood pressure increases sharply to cause vomiting, headaches and irregular heartbeat. In the end, it may cause sudden heart or symptoms of faint sudden.
GTF Chromium will help to optimize of drugs for patients with diabetes

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) help to treatment diabetes.

In addition, in the case of diabetics, the use of yeast (The raw material used to make the GTF Chromium) for treatment, you should be done under the supervision of a physician. Because the yeast contains a lot of chrome, this will help to optimize of drugs for patients with diabetes (Such as insulin or blood sugar-lowering drugs other types) and may lead to blood glucose less than normal.

Therefore, in using it as a supplement should be placed under the supervision and guidance of a physician only.

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) and health benefits part 6

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) with injury and heal the skin

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make the GTF Chromium) with injury and heal the skin

Vitamin B-complex from this yeast is an important element in treating injuries. Therefore, it is recommended to use yeast during rehabilitation from wounds or burns. The study found that yeast (The raw material used to make the GTF Chromium) contains a Glucan, which it has the effect to help wounds heal faster by stimulating and supporting the growth of cells and capillary.

It also enhances the operation of the system of the body to fight infection and SRF (Skin Respiratory Factor). It improves blood circulation in the skin and accelerates the creation of collagen to repair the tissue.
Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) with symptoms of stress

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make the GTF Chromium) with symptoms of stress

Vitamin B-complex in this yeast is very important to the body in during that time, was faced with situations of physical or emotional stress. Therefore, medical professionals are advice to use this raw material used to make Chromium, which has Vitamin B-complex with an illness that is ongoing such as symptoms of fatigue or depression chronic.
Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) and sleep

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make the GTF Chromium) and sleep

The study found that the Niacin and Vitamin B6 in this raw material used to make Chromium can help people who have had difficulty in sleeping. Such binders are working together to produce seratonin in the brain. It is important to help sleep easily.

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) and health benefits part 5

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) with constipation

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make the GTF Chromium) with constipation

The study found that the brewer's yeast (The raw material used to make the GTF Chromium) is effective in preventing constipation, because it in 30 g contains about 6 grams of fiber (24% of the recommended daily intake). The fiber is the key substance of the meal, because it will help increase a lot of fiber in the feces. It can prevent Constipation. It can to help support to the small intestine and colon, there are perfectly good health.
Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) with colorectal cancer

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make the GTF Chromium) with colorectal cancer

From the laboratory of epidemiology, researchers reported that selenium nutrient may reduce the risk of colon cancer. Selenium has a lot in brewer's yeast, is used as a supplement to help reduce the incidence and risk of colon cancer in the human body. But it is not clear that because selenomethionine or other forms of selenium or other components of selenium, existing in the brewer's yeast (The raw material used to make the GTF Chromium) to result such.

Brewer's yeast (Substances used to make GTF Chromium) and health benefits part 4

Brewer's yeast (The raw material used to make GTF Chromium) and diarrhea

Brewer's yeast (The raw material used to make the GTF Chromium) and diarrhea

Diarrhea is a symptom of a bowel movement as water and often. This can happen for several reasons. Severe form of these symptoms is often caused by an infection and needs medical treatment, when diarrhea is severe, causing loss of water, potassium, sodium and calories. In the Europe the use of this yeasts is widely used to help prevent the occurrence of these symptoms from a life.
These raw materials used to make GTF Chromium) can help the digestive system.

These raw materials used to make the GTF Chromium) can help the digestive system.

By studies in animals have shown that this substances used to make the GTF Chromium) can prevent and combat Clostridium diffcile, the bacteria that cause diarrhea. Experiments show that providing brewer's yeast, 500 mg four times a day will help prevent infection by an organism in diarrhea. In addition, yeast also helps travelers to prevent these symptoms during to travel as well.

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